Product references — Molybdenum

Khandare, A., et al. 2005. Beneficial effect of copper supplementation on deposition of fluoride in bone in fluoride- and molybdenum-fed rabbits. Calcif. Tissue Int., 77 (4), 233–238. URL (abstract): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Parry, N., et al. 1993. Molybdenum-induced changes in the epiphyseal growth plate. Calcif. Tissue Int., 53 (3), 180–186. URL (abstract): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Nielsen, F. 1990. New essential trace elements for the life sciences. Biol. Trace Elem. Res., 26–27, 599–611. URL (abstract): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Zaidi, M. 1990. Modularity of osteoclast behaviour and “mode-specific” inhibition of osteoclast function. Biosci. Rep., 10 (6), 547–556. URL (abstract): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Federy, P., et al. 1983. The effect of fluorine and molybdenum on some of the mechanical characteristics of the hard tissues in rats kept on a low and on a normal protein diet. J. Int. Assoc. Dent. Child., 14 (1), 9-14. URL (no abstract available): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Johnson, R., et al. 1969. Some effects of molybdenum on connective tissue. J. Dent. Res., 48 (6), 1290–1295. URL (PDF): (accessed 12.19.2008).

Jenkins, G. 1967. Molybdenum and dental caries. Brit. Dent. J., 122, 435–441, 500–503, & 545–550.

Van Reen, R., et al. 1967. Trace elements and dental caries: Molybdenum, aluminum, titanium. Helv. Odont. Acta, 11, 53–59.

Stookey, G., & Muhler, J. 1959. Effect of molybdenum on fluoride retention in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., 101, 379–380.

Adler, P. 1957. Experiments with albino rats upon the caries-protective effect of water-borne molybdenum. Odont. Rev., 8, 202–207.